Comprehensive European compliance via EurepGAP
Muranaka Farm adheres to the Euro-Retailer Produce Working Group Good Agriculture Practices (EurepGAP) Codes of Conduct. EurepGAP provides the tools to objectively verify best practice in a systematic and consistent way throughout the world. EurepGAP's scope covers practices on the farm. Once product leaves the farm they come under the control of other Codes of Conduct and certification schemes relevant to food packing and processing. That way the whole chain is assured right through to the final consumer. Muranaka Farm offers this added measure of assurance for its European customers.
Muranaka Farm delivers high quality products and they expect their suppliers to have the same standards. For more than 25 years, Georgia-Pacific has provided innovative packaging solutions that meet Muranaka's high standards of excellence.
David J. Abdoo
General Manager, Georgia-Pacific Corporation