Committed to superior food safety

Food safety is a critical issue for growers and distributors alike. Product that has not been raised and packaged according to strict safety requirements can jeopardize customer relations, not to mention consumers' health.
For this reason, Muranaka Farm invests extensive resources and energy in adhering to food safety guidelines. We were among the first to contract with third party experts to verify our performance. This is a step we consider vital in ensuring the integrity of any safety program. We maintain this high standard in regards to both bacterial and pesticide issues. We're proud our current audit ratings that show us to be on the 'excellent' and 'superior' level.
Muranaka Farm delivers high quality products and they expect their suppliers to have the same standards. For more than 25 years, Georgia-Pacific has provided innovative packaging solutions that meet Muranaka's high standards of excellence.
David J. Abdoo
General Manager, Georgia-Pacific Corporation